Friday, February 2, 2007

Mayor Carty at it again!

According to the evening news (nbc 24), our beloved outspoken mayor Carty Finkbeiner has upset more people in the city again. While on a tour around the city, he came across a bunch of Toledo City workers on their break (one of many frequent breaks). Unhappy seeing taxdollars being wasted on lazy union workers doing nothing, he launched into a tirade concerning the lack of work ethic amongst the workers. The workers' union has demanded an apology for Carty's insults, but Carty has said that he did not engage in ad hominem attacks against the workers.

Now here is a situation in which Carty is correct. He is the number one guy in the city, and has every right to demand work from his worthless employees. Everyone has seen the lazy-ass city workers sitting around doing nothing, and if they are working, working very slowly, or only the lowest worker on the seniority scale working. Carty ought to be able to show up at job sights and get these lazy union workers to do something, to keep them on schedule, instead of leaving them alone to waste everyone's money. This is a ridiculous situation, and the union and its pathetic workers have no right to demand anything. If anything, they owe everyone in the city an apology for extorting taxdollars from Toledoans for a disproportionately small amount of output. Shame on the union, and way to go Carty!

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